Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Has Two Thumbs and Overtrains?

This guy!

I've been working really hard lately and this week was no exception. I am starting to see some pretty good results and I gotta tell ya, it's getting extremely addictive. So I took Johnny Deadlift's advice and decided to take Friday off. I usually take the weekend off anyway, but the extra day is much needed. I hit the CraicHouse pretty hard all week, but Thursday was crazy. I basically did four workouts in two and a half hours.

Strength Work 
Establish a 1 rep Power Clean in 15 minutes

My previous one rep max on the Power Clean is actually 215# so I am not too surprised here. The difference was that I only had 15 minutes to establish this and strip the bar down. Previously I think I spent around 45 minutes to get to that same weight. After a few warm ups I cleaned 215# in around 9 minutes. It felt pretty light which gave me visions of a PR(personal record) I put on 225# and went for it. For some reason I started to over think the movement and I could tell that I wasn't jumping enough. I tried 225# twice and failed. I think I can achieve this weight if I had more time. 

We then hit a quick WOD right after this.

Power Cleans 95#
 10 min Time Cap

My time was a little slower than I would like. With the extra work of late and my continued hatred of burpees I mentally checked out in round two. I did however blast through my last 9 burpees. Mostly because I just wanted to finish. If I only did that earlier. I need to figure that out.

I was getting ready to leave when Jack walked in. He mentioned that he was looking to grab some lunch, but John and Glen needed to workout first.  Jack decided to join in, which made me join in as well as the Catdoggg.

3 round for time 
10 OHS 

Not a bad time. I love the fact that I can now do double unders in a WOD. Everyone scaled appropriately and we all finished around the same time. It was hard, but really fun. I was getting ready to leave again and I heard some mumbling about another workout. Maybe doing Friday's today or something. Catdoggg left, smart girl. Jack yells out Angie! I hear an okay and I join in. Oh Shit! Angie...
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats

I should have left with Catdoggg, but I'm not one to back down. So we get into it. The 100 pull ups were tough. I felt like they were never going to end. I wish I could have butterflied them but I have been having some issues with my shoulder and that movement lately so I just kipped the whole time. It was exhausting. If I was fresher I could have been faster of course. The push ups weren't too bad. I almost caught up to Glen on those, but when I hit 85 he finished and I lost my motivation for a bit and the last 15 took forever. 100 sit ups were next and I cranked the first 50 out quick. The other 50... Not so much.  They sucked! Between our regular WODS and those extra 100 Toes to Bar I did the other day my flabs were toast! Air Squats, a 100 of them. Not one of my favorite movements, but I wanted to bust through them as fast as I could. Halfway through both my legs cramped up badly. It hurt, a lot! I felt like I was at the Tough Mudder again.  My goal was to finish in under 30 minutes and make the board which I did. I was happy, but in pain and extremely exhausted.  John said to me that I better not come in the next day and be stupid. I said I needed the work on thrusters and I wanted to be like him minus the funny accent. He said, "If you wanna be like me bro, then do what I do and rest."  Gotta do what the doctor ordered.  Plus to tell you the truth I could barely move the next day.

This was how I felt.

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