Today's WOD was a 2 rep max Deadlift. After yesterday's let down I knew going into it that I would be able to bring back some of my confidence. Deadlifts are one of my better movements. My 10 rep max is 315#, my 5 rep max is 365# and my 1 rep max is 425# So going in I knew I would fall into the 400# plus mark. Just wasn't exactly sure where. Lifting heavy shit is always a huge condfidence builder for me. I'm usually at the top or close to the top of the board when it comes to heavy weight. Unless of course my arch nemesis Luigi is there and he was and he was waiting for me!
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I must break you |
Right off the bat, BOOM 135# like if it was a PVC pipe. Next, 225#. Snore... 315#. Let me know when I gets heavy. 365# was next. Shit! What the Fuck!?!? That was heavier than it should have been. Right there I felt I was in trouble. Now here is where I think I made a tactical error. Instead of going right to 405# I went 10 pounds less @395#. My thought process was that I will slowly work my way into the heavier weight. Oops. At 395# it got heavy real fast. That first lift is always the hardest and for some reason it killed me. Once I got it up though my second rep went down and up. BOOM like nothing. Funny I said later that if someone just handed me the weight I could rep them all day. Picking it up off the floor can be so tiring. Back in the day I would jerk the weight up or round my back, but I made it a point to keep me form as much as possible before it turned to shit where then I would just drop it and save myself a week in traction.
405# sucked! Right there I could see TapeFactory smiling. Here comes the talk. I will give him this though he did try to talk me into 410#, but I went straight to 415#. Thinking process was to use as much energy I had left and just go for it. I got halfway up and then nothing. I could feel myself losing my form so I let it go. Gently of course. I tried one more time, but that was it. Spent. In the end I expected to do better, but considering we haven't worked on deads in a while my main goal was over 400 and I hit it. As far as TapeFactory goes... I'll be there next time. He pushes me as much as I hope I push him. That's another great thing about CrossFit. Yes we all compete. We compete with ourselves and with each other, but in the end we are a family and we will all support each other till the end. I love my CraicHouse and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
On a side note. Johnny Deadlift sent me a few texts today in regard to my running issues that I discussed yesterday. He was right. Who the fuck stays after class and works on 400m runs? No one. I have been so hell bent on my double unders that I wrecked my legs to the point that they became useless for other aspects. He put it in perspective for me. If I did a 100 pull ups everyday my shoulder and hands would be just as sore. That connected. Lets work and focus in on a few goats and spread them out over a time period. Makes sense. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective and one with as much knowledge as John to get you in that place. Thank you John for your never ending support and friendship. I'm glad you rowed your little boat over from Ireland and landed here. Just wish you drank more...
Until next time TapeFacory!
Paul T throwing his weight around! Bastard! I am coming for you as well?
ReplyDeleteI'm coming for all of you!
ReplyDelete.... if I drank more I would not be as supportive :)
Tabata Beer Chugs!