Tuesday, October 18, 2011

That Little Extra Kick

Today's WOD was a 5 rep max Push Press. Strength days are fun and more my style. I usually walk away feeling good about myself and towards the top of the board. I know that my one rep max was 205#, but that was a long time ago. I feel like we have done a 5 rep max set before, but I had changed notebooks a while back and I didn't transfer a lot of things over. I looked at the board and scanned for that one name....... TapeFactory.

Tapefactory's weight was 185# for 5 reps. Realistically I thought I could match it. I was paired up with Afghani Steve and we went right into it.

95# for 5
115# for 5
135# for 5
155# for 5
175# for 5
186# for 4

I was so close. I did the old 1/2 pound plate trick to get him by one pound again. Unfortunately it didn't work out for me this time. My last 2 reps, 4/5 felt more like a shoulder press at that point. A third of the way up on my 5th rep I could feel my lower back straining so I just dropped the weight. I actually think I can make this weight. Normally I would have warmed up with my 1st set @ 135#, but Afghani Steve is relatively new to the movement so we made sure we worked up slowly so we could get his form down. Next time.

Right after our strength workout we had a quick WOD.

Push Press @95 Rx
Box Jumps 24' Rx
5 min time cap
Box jumps... We don't get along very well. The push presses at this weight was light, but a little more difficult then I expected after lifting heavy earlier. I had two goals in mind with this quick burner.

A) To finish under 5 minutes
B) To do all my Box Jumps without any step downs.

Time 4:44

I did all my box jumps without doing any step downs and I was happy about that. I did my first two rounds in 4 minutes so I knew I had plenty of time to finish. Funny, because John totally called me out on that.  Yea I could have finished a bit quicker, but my knees were killing me from the jumping. I gave myself just enough time to finish. My box jumps are improving, but it's still a huge goat for me.  A "Goat" is any exercise or movement you dislike doing or like doing but are weak at, or both. All of the above for me on that movement.

I hung around for a bit afterward and was poking around for a little extra work. Glen came up with 100 Toes to Bars for time. Sure why not. I then threw in a cash out of a 100 Double Unders. What the hell was I thinking? I was able to convince Afghani Steve to join in and then Catdoggg jumped in at that point. Afghani Steve and Catdoggg modified the workout, but I was going straight after Glen on this one. Glen and I talked and we figured 10 rounds of ten. How hard could it be? Ha Ha Ha. Right after 20 reps we both knew this was gonna suck. At one point we both stopped and looked at each other and smiled. We were only at 40 and 41 reps. Fortunately for Glen a client walked in and he had to stop. I could see him smiling as he dropped off the bar and walked by me because he knew he didn't have to finish. I continued through though and although it was not easy I did find a rhythm that made it a little less evil.  My split time before I had to cash out with the Double Unders was 100 Toes to Bars  @12:27. It then took me 4:10 to do a 100 Double Unders. I was gassed. 16:37 overall. Not too bad of a time for something that was on the fly. I had a lot of fun with it even though it was pretty tough.

Until tomorrow.

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