Saturday, December 31, 2011

Me Getting Strong

If there is one thing that I always excelled at right away when I came to CrossFit it was lifting heavy shit. Throwing around hundreds of cases a week at my work has probably help build build that foundation. Almost out of the gate I was rather shocked at the amount of weight I could throw around. I never really lifted when I was younger and when I saw Olympic movements on TV it was always intimidating. Plus they make that shit look easy. By no means am I the next Louie Simmons, I prefer to have a neck.

I'm gonna hire him to crush Teehan
Today's WOD:

5 Rounds for time:
5 Bench Press
5 Deadlift
Increase Weight each Set
Rest as Needed Between Sets
BP 225 / DL 375

Oh Baby! I felt strong today. I don't know if it was because of the extra rest or the aligning of the planets, but I had it today. I knew that my 5 rep max on the bench would be at 225.  I have done that rep scheme twice recently and I always struggle with the 5th rep at that weight. This time I had no problem. Probably could have gone a bit heavier, but I wasn't sure. Next time I will attempt to establish a new 5 rep PR.

My Deadlifts felt incredibly strong. I played around on the board trying to figure out my sets with the weight. I came up with 2 plans depending upon how strong I felt after the 2nd set. My main goal was to take the board. Sorry Johnny D.  I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out where my 5 rep max would lie. My 10 rep max was @315# but that was a while ago. When I finished @375# I knew I had more in me. I am thinking that I might have been able to hit 395# if not real close to it. I told John afterward that I could have PR'd my 1 rep max that night. 425# I wanted to try, but after 25 reps and a lack of time I really couldn't. I just hope I feel this way again soon so I can attempt it.  

Good day. With no TapeFactory anymore and Teehan as a no show I had the board. Dave C put up a strong number as well @345# Sic!  All I could think of was I was in a Conan the Barbarian Movie. This scene kept running through my head.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Have Barbell. Will Travel

I saw today's WOD and was somewhat excited to do it.

3 Rounds for Max reps
1 minute each station
Air Squats
Push Press 45#
Sit ups
Ball Slams 
Rest 1 minute between rounds

These are the type of WODS that I need to help improve my speed. I am cardio challenged and anything that doesn't allow me to rest too long in between movements and sets is hugely beneficial for me. I should do Fight Gone Bad style workouts more frequently. 

Unfortunately I had some issues today trying to get to the CraicHouse.  I couldn't make the noon class like I prefer so I decided to sign up for the 6:30pm class. Hoping that I could sneak out of work for an hour. It is literally only 2 minutes away from work so it really couldn't be anymore convenient, but little did I know that it could be....

Because of the holiday I had an overflow of salesweasels at my store today. Those who played hooky on Monday where seriously interfering with my ability to crush WODS today so now I wasn't going to be able to make the box at all. I settled in at work and starting sampling some potential future products. I remembered something about Caveman Steve telling me a story about how he signed up for a 6:30 class and he was glad he did because he was the only one there. I knew that Glen was pulling doubles for the past week while John was on vacation and I didn't want to make him stay any longer than he needed to.  I texted him  the following.

Me:  I signed up for the 6:30 but all these salesmen keep coming in so I can't make it. Drop off a 45# bar later and a ball and I can do it tonight.  :) 

Glen: Are you drunk or serious?

Me: Serious. Not drunk yet.

And who shows up at my store with a 45# bar and a 20# med ball, Glen, Coach Condor and Pete.  Oh shit! What did I just get myself into?

It seems at home.

After having a brief chat and a quick quality control session it was time to get to work. I knew going in that my kryptonite would be air squats. My legs suck and when I have to do a ton of air squats my knees start to kill me. I am not fan. The push presses shouldn't be too bad early on. 45# doesn't seem like much but I know with history that that shit is gonna get heavy at some point. Sit ups, should be fine and slam balls will hurt later. 

1st round 156 reps

2nd round 128 reps

3rd round 121 reps

=405 reps

I was right, my knees started to hate me. This time though I could feel them in the other rounds doing sit ups. That definitely affected me more than I thought because sit ups I can usually breeze through. Push presses were exactly as I thought. That shit got heavy toward the end.  Halfway through I had to pull a Teehan and take my shirt off. I was dying. 

This is exactly what I needed! I really can't thank Glen enough along with Coach Dizzle and Pete for showing up and making my night. This just proves to show how much of a community we are and what we are willing to do for each other. Although I was miserable at the end I was glad I accomplished it. At 9pm after sampling tequila, wine and beer. Who knows how many reps I could have gotten clean, sober and at noontime. 

Here are some videos The Condor took.

This is Glen's demonstration of Slam Balls. Priceless! By the way, Pete is a born Quality Control Expert!

Glen yells at me. If you listen I believe you hear me telling him to F off around the 8 second mark! Ha Ha

This video is only great because around the 10 to 12 second mark someone knocked a beer over. You can hear it and see me look to my left. 

This is me doing my best Teehan impression minus the chiseled body, natural good looks and speed. Bastard!

The aftermath. Miserable while everyone else enjoys a beverage. Caveman Steve randomly stopped by towards the end and was able to watch the final round of carnage.

I'm still trying to figure out if they really stopped by for my benefit or for a beer. Maybe a bit of both, but in the end we were all happy. Well everyone was happy. I was miserable. They did leave the bar behind. Do I smell future back room WODS....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So today I finally made it back into the box. It has been over a week.  11 days to be exact. That is an eternity for me.  Besides when I tweaked my back this has been the longest layoff I've had besides those multiple years leading into CrossFit when I became a manatee.

I wish I was this cute

I knew coming in today my ass would be handed to me a bit. My cardio sucks anyway so with the extra time off I knew I could potentially be miserable. I haven't exactly been taking care of myself too well as of late. I haven't been able to get enough sleep. My diet has been shit. I'm not eating bad, but more of a lack of eating. I could tell something was up. My body has been in slow motion as of late and I feel like I have lost some muscle. I had to get my ass back in there. I blame Johnny Deadlift for going on vacation. Hey, I gotta blame somebody. He always lights a fire under my ass!

Don't Fart

Todays' WOD,

Row 250m
21 Box Jumps 24in
21 KB Swings 53#
Row 250m
15 Box Jumps 
15 KB Swings
Row 250m
9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
Row 250m


I started off well, but somewhere between my first 21 KB Swings and my 2nd Row I got wicked dizzy. I wouldn't say I was seeing stars, but I felt like I was gonna pass out. I think the lack of care toward my body caught up to me today. I also forgot my water bottle so I had to go into the bathroom and drink from the faucet. That didn't help much.  I got the sweaty pale look going on. It sucked. A WOD that I realistically should have finished within 10 minutes took longer than anyone. I was hugely disappointed, but wasn't surprised. These layoffs tend to do more harm to me than good. I felt like I got punched in the face. 

This was how I felt.
Tomorrow is another day.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I'm sorry for being a lazy bum. I promise I will start updating again. I got my hands on a macbook air and I am now available to write with ease as often as I want.  Be afraid! Be very Afraid!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

CrossFit Florian

Last Saturday I went over to CrossFit Florian for their Grand Opening.  I was hesitate with my back still being pretty tender. I knew it wouldn't be easy when I saw the WOD.

3 Rounds

21 Box Jumps
15 Thrusters @95#
9 Pull ups

I don't remember my time maybe 10 minutes

I knew I would have some issues with my back with those fucking box jumps mixed in with thrusters. My thought process was to move as fast as I can before the pain would seep in. That worked out well for one round at least. Ha Ha

I burned through the 1st round pretty quickly. Everything was unbroken. About 5 or so jumps into my second round of box jumps I could feel my back getting angry with me. I slowed it way down, but that didn't seem to help. When I finally got to my thrusters I had to switch my weight halfway through so I could finish. Once again people were telling me I should have gone lighter because of my back, but per usual I did not listen. I wanted to impress my friends at their opening. I have come a long way, but as it goes to show I have an even longer way to go. On another note the pull ups were fun. I decided to do butterfly's so I could show off. Unbroken on all of those.  Too bad it wasn't a pull up WOD. I would have dominated. Well, maybe done okay...

Bill and Beau's place is great. Great energy and a fantastic atmosphere. It was so great to be around so many positive and like minded people. I loved hanging out with my fellow CraicHeads and seeing former members for the first time in a while. The highlight of the day was watching Johnny Deadlift vs Paul Teehan battle each other in the final WOD.  Until they ripped their shirts off it wasn't official. Oh Baby!

Congrats to Bill and Beau on the opening of their box. I wish them nothing but success and can't wait to go against them in the years to come. Big shout out to all the the CraicHeads, Florians and future Crossfitters who participated in the event. It was a tough WOD which made those after beers oh that much more enjoyable. Stay thirsty my friends.

Here are some pics from the day.

Me, Jack, Paul, Sean and Thom. Jack always laughs in the face of WODS!

Hey Box! F U!

Bill watching me struggle. I need blue Inov-8's!

John and Paul after what they do best!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Last Week's Recap


I had a tough time getting back into it last week after that competition. Yes my back was still tender, but emotionally I will admit that I was bagging it a bit. I was joking around about my pussification with Johnny Deadlift. I wasn't serious about anything, but there was definitely a moment where I thought I was done with it. It sucks when you know you should be better, but your body just isn't there yet. I told him I was having a tough time focusing again. He showed me no mercy and called me out on it.  He told me to get my ass into the gym. Listen to him and he'll take care of the rest, but he can't help me if I don't come in. He's right. I am too far along to just quit. Christ I am Tony No Bread! What kind of an example would I be if I did that? He was right. Next WOD... I'm there!

Oh Shit! Box Jumps. Of course....

10 mins to complete
Box jumps -pause at the top
Rest 3mins then
10mins to complete
KB swing 53#

6:35 WOD 1
4:24 WOD 2
Total: 10:59 Rx 

Really???  Box Jumps on my first WOD back? My back isn't fully recovered yet and I was hesitate to come in and do this one, but I had to get my ass back in there. No excuses. Just take the Box Jumps slow. That's exactly what I did. 

How this WOD works is you do 10 Pullups then 10 Box Jumps. Then 9 and 9 and 8 and 8 and so on. My only focus on the first WOD besides not destroying my back anymore was to do all of the pull ups unbroken.  Unbroken! Yea Baby! The pull ups weren't hard, but sometimes I lose focus and just drop off the bar for no apparent reason. I needed to stay focused which I did. Now the box jumps started to hurt a bit toward round 7. I just took my time with them and I finished with an okay time. 6:35.

I knew I would fly through the second WOD. Kettlebell swings and sit ups are not a problem for me. I was able to transition between the both pretty well. As I got closer to the end I went beastmode and finsihed, had a cigarette, milked the cow and brushed my teeth by the time anyone else finished. 4:24.

I made up some serious time here which helped my overall time @ 10:59.  Besides my back being a bit sore. I felt pretty good after this one. It was good to get that first WOD over with and to tell my psyche to go fuck itself!  Again...


This one didn't look so bad. Ha Ha 

Row Your Wallballs Off
Row 500m
25 Wallballs
100 Double unders
25 Wallballs
Row 500

10:40 Rx

Oh the joys of rowing. Actually the last time I rowed I felt pretty good afterward. Good as in barely able to breath and flopping on the floor good, but nothing was sore afterward. Bonus!  The 1st 500m row went exactly as I planned. I took it easy and finish around 1:40. Unfortunately the second 500m row killed me! My knees swelled up and I think I added another 15 seconds to my original time. My knees and thighs were on fire for hours after. I don't think the swelling went down til the next day. I never know what's going to happen with me and the mighty rows. Less swelling would be nice though.

I was worried about the wall balls here. I wasn't sure if they would affect my back or not. Especially when the day before where those Box Jumps reignited that burning feeling in my lower back. I ended up having no real issue with these. I went unbroken on the first 25 and I think I almost went unbroken on the second 25. No pain!  

Double Unders. I felt those would hopefully seperate me from the group. Not! I had a tough time finding a rhythm early on. It was extremely frustrating. By the time I reached 50 I was pissed. It took way too long for me to get there. The second 50 I crushed. 35 and then 15 I believe. I should have had that done in a minute tops! I think I need to put a little extra time back into the DU's again. Just so I can stay comfortable with them on a consistent basis.

Overall this WOD was hard. I couldn't believe how gassed I was halfway through. Even though it crushed me it felt good as well. Trying to stay consistent here. Next time I will blow through those double unders and finish under 10 minutes. 


My schedule wasn't really working for me today. I texted Mr. Deadlift to see if he was around in the afternoon so I could sneak in. That didn't work so he suggested 10am. That also didn't work. Shit, I really wanted to keep this going.  Finally he just texted me, "Make Time!"

I don't know if that last text had a subconscious affect on me or not, but for some reason that may never be understood, I woke up at 5am. I tried to fall back asleep, but that was a no go. I walked around the house like zombie, trying to figure out what to do. I looked at the clock. Do you know what it said?

Make Time!

I quickly ate something, played with my son real quick and left for Glen's 6:30am class. I walked into the middle of the 5:30am's WOD and Glen just pointed to me to spot The Condor. He looks up at me on the bench and the first thing he said was, "Is that TNB? It's like seeing Santa Claus!"  Ha Ha  Lets just say that I rarely go to any early morning classes.  Afterward, Glen brings me over to the 6:30am group and introduces me.

Glen: "This is Tony No Bread. You probably won't ever see him this early ever again."

TNB: "Hi"

Glen: "Did you pull an all-nighter?"

TNB: "Not this time."

The WOD....

4 rounds – each scored separately
Max rep bench press in 1 min @ 100#'s
Sprint 400m
10 burpees

score = reps/time
post best and worst round

This WOD was brutal! I underestimated how difficult this would be.  My times for the rounds are the following. My best is is green and my worst is in red. Pretty easy to figure out.

  1. 43 reps and 3:24
  2. 26 reps and 3:44
  3. 24 reps and 3:40
  4. 21 reps and 4:05 
When I came in after my first run I could barely lift myself off the ground for my first burpee. My arms were toast form the first 43 reps. WTF did I get myself into here? I actually thought I could do more than 43 on the first set. I was flying. I think I had 30 in 30 seconds, but all of a sudden it went to shit real quick. That got heavy! I was wondering why everyone needed a spot. It's only a 100 pounds.  Geez...

As usual my runs sucked ass. Like I had on cement shoes. My times weren't that bad, but if I could ever get that leg transplant I would be all set. Fun WOD, but my chest was sore for days afterward. Glen even made us do a 5th round for shits and giggles.  Thank Glen.

By the way, I love you guys and I love Glen, but you can keep your Craic O'Dawn classes to yourselves. Way too early for me. My ass was dragging later at work. I still need a nap!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Must Find Motivation!

I know it's been a while since I have updated. With my crazy schedule for the holidays along with battling this cold that won't seem to GO AWAY, I haven't been able to dedicate the time. I know some of you were wondering how the competition went.  Lets just say some of it was good.

First off, being surrounded by so many CraicHeads is incredible. I have never met such a dedicated and inspiring group. Even for ones that weren't competing who made the drive, you complete me. I love how at every competition, we are the largest and loudest group. I love it! We spread our infectious ways faster than a zombie outbreak. With a little less blood as well.


I found out what the WODS were a couple of days ahead of time. Nothing really scared me, but I knew I would have difficulty with some of the movements. This was a non-firebreather competition. Meaning the people competing are training for life. Firebreathers are the ones you see on ESPN.  They are also the ones who don’t seem to feel pain, or at least they don’t allow it to stop them, or even slow them down. After this competition the only thing I have in common with a firebreather is I don't allow the pain to stop me. We'll get to that later.

WOD 1- "The Mayflower"
Hang Power Cleans 95#
Lateral Burpees over the Bar
10 minute cap

25th place

An okay time. Lets put it this way, I knew I had no chance of winning this competition with this time. It had to be under 4 minutes to be able to compete. Plus, when I saw  Paul Teehan walk into the box the other day saying he was in the competition. I knew I was fighting for second place. In case you forgot, this is Paul...

Funny because the night before I was talking to the Caveman about strategy and how realistically you should be able to do this WOD in 3 minutes. Yea sure, maybe if you are an elite athlete. I might look like I might be good, but I suck harder than a pro am on her first casting couch.  I was right about the time though. Everyone who was in contention finished close to that prediction.  I knew I never had a chance when I saw burpees listed. I really knew I didn't have a chance when I went through the motions of the WOD the day before. Looking back on it maybe I shouldn't have done that. I think I mentally fucked myself by realizing I was gonna suck at this WOD before I had a chance to do it for the competition.  I called the Caveman immediately after and said, "We are fucked on the 1st WOD!"

Yes that's me sucking at Lateral Burpees!

Paul and how you are supposed to do a Lateral Burpee!

Now the 2nd WOD! Oh baby this is what I was waiting for. I get to lift heavy!

WOD 2- "Myles Standish"
5 rep max Front Squat in 25 secs (25 seconds start when bar leaves ground)
Immediately following the 5 minutes, Max jump rope passes in 90 seconds.
This is a separate scored workout.  Triple Unders= 3 points, Double Unders=2 points, Single Unders=1 point
215#  5 rep max Front Squat
146 points Jump Ropes
5th Place!!!!

I knew I was going to do well with this one. You had to power clean or squat clean the bar up before starting your reps on the front squat. I've been able to power clean 215# for a while now so I knew no matter what I was going to get at least 205#. I also knew that I would be near the top. It's not easy cleaning that much weight off the floor. I had to figure most people would have trouble with it. I game played here a little bit. I wanted to only have 3 chances before resting for the jump ropes. I knew my legs were toast from the burpees and I needed to conserve as much energy as possible.  So I went heavy right away.  I didn't want to fuck around with warm up weight and have no time left.  185# was my first attempt and then I did 205# right away.  I had plenty of time left so I was only going to attempt 215# once whether I made it or not.  Super psyched that I was able to do this. The video below is my attempt at 215#. At the end you see my left hand slip off and kind of slap me in the face. Ha! Ha! I held the bar up there for an eternity with one arm. It seemed like forever till the judge called that last rep. I was gonna be pissed if it didn't count.

I decided to do double unders for the second part of the WOD. I haven't done them in a while so my timing wasn't spot on like it has been in the past. I was doing okay for a but, but my legs were killing me. With 30 seconds left I switched to singles and my total score was 146. I was thinking afterward that if I just did singles to begin with I probably could have cranked out at least 200 points. I don't think in the end it would have mattered much. 5th place on the Front Squat is awesome!

Paul crushing it at 245#  Bastard!

Now the dreaded 3rd WOD! Looks pretty straightforward on paper.

WOD 3- "Squanto's Revenge"

Run 300 meters
5 rounds
9 Deadlift @185#
12 Box Jumps @24 inches
15 Wall Balls @20# with a 10 foot target
Run 300 meters
20 minute time cap

(Did Not Finish)

I can run 300 meters without gassing myself so I didn't mind that.

Girls always run faster than me.
Deadlifts are right in my wheelhouse, especially at that weight.  

Oh Baby! My favorite movement.

Box Jumps, Uh Oh! I knew at some point these were going to kill me and slow me down immensely. 

This is in reference to any WOD with Box Jumps. Notice no picture of me here...

Wall Balls, only 15 at a time. I can do those. I knew they would be tough toward the end, but doable. 

Obviously before my back said FUCK YOU!

I was hoping to fall into the 13 to 15 minute category time wise. Oh Boy was I way off.  At some point during my second round of Box Jumps something happened to my lower back.  Not really sure, but I was in pain. Badly. True to Tony No Bread fashion I kept going. I could barely stand up on the box to complete my reps. Wall Balls became super painful as my range of motion became non-existent and the Deadlifts just hurt. At this point I was in my own world. My back was killing me and I couldn't hear anyone or anything except my judge. I vaguely heard Mike Power saying something about not being stupid, but as we discussed later no one was going tell me to stop and no one would have stopped if the positions were reversed.  In some fucked up way I still thought I could finish in time. I believe I ended up being 9 Wall Ball reps and the last 300 meter run from finishing.  I don't know what hurt more at that point. My back or my pride. TNB let out a little cry after that one. 

In the end I wasn't really happy. I mean I pretty much knew where I would finish with each WOD. I have enough experience in the past year to know what my strengths and weaknesses are.  No real surprises. Just the fact that I couldn't finish that last WOD. I was so mad and disappointed. I actually felt like I let the CraicHouse down.  I hurt my back and I feel like I was kicked in the balls. I am having a really hard time getting motivated again. It's now been almost a week since I have worked out. Partly because of my back, but also because I am mentally handicapped because of my finish.  I know there were some highlights in there for me. The 2nd WOD finishing 5th and the fact that I never quit. Still doesn't make me feel any better though.

On another note the CraicHouse kicked some serious ass! Of course Paul Teehan came in 1st Place in Men's Rx, but we also had Sara McEvoy win the Woman's Rx with Shazam coming in 3rd and in the battle of The Yardhouse, Ed came in 2nd over Daniels in 3rd in the Men's Scaled division.  Here is CrossFit Providence's Recap. The CraicHeads were all over the standings. I am very proud of everyone and would like to thank our coaches John, Glen, Sara and Jarrod for making us better physically and mentally everyday. If it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't be able to crush all of these other CrossFit Boxes!

Till next time....

Teehan showing off the goods. This picture depresses me! Ha Ha

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I haven't been able to update in the last couple of days. I have been too busy, but I will catch up and post the two WODS I did.

I have been taking it kind of easy this week because today I am doing my first competition. Woo Hoo! Turkey Throwdown held at Crossfit Providence. I am nervous and excited at the same time. My plan is not to embarrass myself. I will update sometime tomorrow.

Get Some!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'd rather be running.

Today's WOD was a quick burner. It also brought back memories of Winter rowing. Now everyone should know by now how much I hate running, but I forgot how much more I hate rowing. I just can't win. My knees always seem to swell up when I row. It's gonna take some time to get used to again, but I am gonna just have to push through it and continue with the rebuilding of my legs. Maybe it would be easier to just buy new ones. At one point during the WOD I actually thought that I'd rather be running.

3 Rounds for time
Row 250m
15 Push Press 115#

6:52 Rx

This was not a time that I was happy with.  Besides my affinity for rowing, the push presses would harder than I thought. I always seem to have trouble with heavy weight on Monday workouts. I don't know if it's a combination of taking the weekend off and not being warmed up or the fact that on the weekends I work, which was this past one I lift hundreds of cases of beer.  I would actually like to try this one again. I believe that I should definitely be sub 6 minutes on this.

Just like Iceland Annie, Lego Men smile while they row!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Eyes Were Bigger than My Mouth!

When I was a kid I would go out to eat with my family and I would order a ton of food and I would never be able to finish what I ordered. It was always a bit too much. That's what today's WOD felt like to me.

Run 400m
Deadlift – you pick the weight
 Run 400m


Running, blah! Deadlifts and Pull Ups, Gooood!  I get to pick my weight? Excellent. Oops!

I flirted with the idea of 315# for the deads. Why, I'm not sure. I was channeling my inner TapeFactory and I really wanted to set the bar high.  I quickly realized that I have done these schemes before and although it looks easy, that weight gets heavy real quick. I put on 225# and it felt light so I threw on 20 more for a total of 245#.  Johnny Deadlift came over and told me that if I want to get faster this is not the way to do it. Strength is not my problem. It's conditioning. I told him I felt that 245# would work for me. He then said if that's the case, make sure I do everything unbroken.  He knew I would be miserable.

The WOD started off great. I tried to set a comfortable pace on my first 400m run and I came in through the door first at 1:40 seconds. Exactly where I wanted to be. The first 10 Deadlifts were easy as well as the first 10 Pull Ups. Round 9 went similar. On round 8 I had to focus more and I could tell that I was going to be in trouble.  My energy levels were quickly being zapped. Round 7 sucked balls! At this point I was taking a lot of extra time between sets so I could finish everything unbroken at least. Oh why, oh why don't I listen??? 

I was disappointed with myself at the end. I really thought I could blast through this WOD in 15 minutes or less. I like to lift heavy and I think it's hurting my progress at this point. I talked with John later that night and we agreed that I need to focus more on lighter weights to help bring my conditioning up to speed. From now on Johnny Deadlift calls the shots. I am not even going to think about it. When I walk through that door he's just going to tell me what to do and I am going to listen. End of story. Hopefully it get me to where I think I should be and sooner than later.

Oh and we finished up with a 100 sit ups afterwards. Those were fun....

What I see when I look up at Johnny Deadlift!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kick That Goat!

If he did CrossFit he could kick it harder!

Strength workout today! Yea! I love these days. Oh Shit! Squat snatches and a 1 rep max OverHead Squats. Um, maybe I should pass...

Skill/Strength: Squat Snatch

Strength: OverHead Squat 1-1-1-1-1
135# PR!!!

In the past I totally would have skipped this workout and by the look of the board today, it looked like a few of my fellow CraicHeads did. I have said it before and I'll say it again, but I'm not going to get any better at something if I keep avoiding it.  Especially one of my biggest Goats, OverHead Squats. 
I look at it as voting. I have had heated arguments with people about politics and candidates and at the end of the conversation I continually find out that most of these people don't vote. Shut the F up! Your opinion doesn't matter to me.  Just like I can't feel compelled to cry about not being able to do a movement if I never put any effort into it. I can't complain about if I don't do it.  So now that I went today, let me complain....  :)

Squat Snatches... Oh man I had a tough time with them. I just can't get my head into the movement. I don't know if it's my limited range of motion or just a fear of sucking at something.  I only worked up to 65# because I just wanted to work the movement. I didn't do very well.  I have a new Goat now. JOY! Add it to the list.

Oh Baby! OHS not my favorite movement, but I have been making an effort to work on them and I think it payed off today.  1 rep max, 135# Never in a million years would I have thought I could ever do this. With my junky shoulders and mental blocks I would have been happy to continue to use the bar, but what good would that do? I had written down that my 1 rep max was 125# before, but I know that I didn't get my butt down toward the ground on that. Since that's the case 95# was my 1 rep max. I crushed it! It felt really good to get it done. Johnny Deadlift was nice enough to take a video of my PR. 
Check it out!

P.S. Bite me Ray!  <--- New TapeFactory for a few movements.

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun.

WOD 1 and WOD 2

I was looking forward to today's WOD or should I say WODS.  They both looked easy, but if there is one thing you learn real quick with CrossFit is that no workout is ever easy.

10 min amrap
5 Pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

9 rounds + 4 reps

Rest 5 mins

10 min amrap
Run 200
10 KB swings 70

4 rounds + 1 run

Both WODS are pretty basic and are simple. This is more about pacing for myself and not about strength. My focus was on being consistent. The problem is that I get so bored mentally with these type of WODS. They seem so repetitive to me that I tend to lose focus which in turn makes me lose count and I just wait for the time to finish.  WOD 1 is only half of a benchmark workout called "Cindy" which is 20 minutes total of the same movements.  I would need a professional counter and Johnny Deadlift holding a bamboo stick whacking me every so often to keep me motivated.

WOD 2 I had nothing in the tank for. My legs where just jello from the air squats. I literally saw an old man on a lark drive past me on one of my runs. The KB swings were  a nice break. Those were pretty easy for me. I really need to work on my running. It's getting to a point where I am starting to mentally fuck myself even before I begin.

I need to buy this shirt!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heavy Days are Here Again

I am liking it. Once again today's workout focused on strength with a mix of skill work.

Tabata Hollow Holds

Skill: Toes to Bar

Strength: Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5
Max effort bar dips in between each set
15 minute cap
Rest exactly 3 mins between efforts

 145# / 13 reps

First off anything Tabata sucks. Choosing Hollow Holds as the Tabata. Pure Evil.  I joked around halfway through them that if this was my first day at CrossFit I wouldn't come back. 4 minutes of hell! It's funny because I dread doing anything Tabata, yet I kind of like the torture. The results are great as well. Painful, but worth it.

Tabata's follow this structure:
  • Push Hard for 20 Seconds
  • Rest for 10 Seconds
  • Repeat this Eight Times
  • Totally 4 minutes

We then went right into strict shoulder presses. The last time I did shoulder presses I did a 5 x 5 which equaled 25 reps @135# for each set.  The difference with this one is that I had to increase my weight on each set along with max effort dips also.  The dips were a killer. Totally sucked any extra energy I had in reserve. My sets went as the following:

  • shoulder press 5 reps @95# / Max effort dips 13 reps
  • 5 reps @115# / 11 reps
  • 5 reps @125# / 10 reps
  • 5 reps @135# / 7 reps
  • 5 reps @145# / 7 reps 
Pretty happy with my weight. 145# is a lot of weight for 5 reps. I was shooting for at least 135# and I  honestly thought that with the dips thrown in there that there was no way I could achieve that. The 3rd set was pretty tiring. I had to walk out a few times so I could focus. Some days I can get distracted pretty easily with my surroundings. When that happens I tend to fail more often then not. I'm getting better at it though. I can recognize early on when it's happening. The only question is if I can reel it in in time.

Johnny Deadlift/Playboy then threw in a 10 minute 100 Toes to Bar to finish. Ugh!  First off I could barely hold myself up on the bar after doing a 145#'s for 5 reps. Plus, I did a 100 T2B a few weeks ago with Glen. Not exactly my idea of a good time, but I welcomed it anyway. I decided to do kipping T2B the whole time. I did have delusions of attempting to finish in the time limit, but I knew between 40 and 50 that I was taking too much time. I was having a tough time hanging onto the bar. I stopped at 70 and left it at that. That's 70 more than nothing. My flabs hurt...

Still pushing for Tabata Beer Chugs...

My Kind of Day

Oh Baby! I saw today's WOD and I was psyched. I really love heavy lifting days. I do well with them and they always make me feel good about myself and today was no different.

Skill/Strength: Squat Clean
15 mins to work to a heavy single

Strength: Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1
The weight of your first Front Squat should equal your heaviest Squat Clean
15min cap

I knew that my squat clean would fall somewhere between 205# and 215#.  My 1 rep max is still at 215#. I am still chasing that elusive 225# mark. With only 15 minutes to work I knew I wouldn't have time to attempt a PR.  205# at the 15 minute mark.  I was right where I thought I would be. What was great about it was that I shared a bar with Dork and Jack.  I love lifting with those guys because they motivate me to another level. We all have our strengths, but when it comes to lifting heavy it helps to have these Manimals with ya. 

Front Squats. I made sure I stretched out my wrists well beforehand. In the past I have either forgotten or started too late. With my flexibility still not there yet, it can become quite painful without proper stretching.  My last 1 rep max front squat was 245# I PR'd it by 20#!  265#!  Oh Baby!  I was super happy. Dork and I kept pushing each other and that helped me a great deal. We both attempted 275# a few times, but failed halfway. Oh well. I really can't complain too much. Overall one of my best days in weeks. Feel motivated again.


Friday, November 4, 2011


And that is what I did. Saw this WOD last night and I wanted to do it, but I didn't. On paper the WOD didn't look bad except for that first part . Burpees!!!!

 50 Burpees
40 Situps
30 Jumping lunges
20 Pushups
10 Pullups (Chest 2 Bar)

6:58 Rx plus

I have to say I was pretty happy with my time. I could definitely improve, but overall I was right there. I was able to blast through the first 25 burpees pretty easily and then it went to shit, but it went the way I thought it would because I know I suck at burpees.  25/6/4/5/5/5 Ugh! I hate them! I knew if I could just get past the burpees I could breeze through the rest of the WOD. The sit ups weren't bad. For some reason I stopped at 25 and I had a bit of trouble getting my momentum back. The jumping lunges weren't as bad as I envisioned. 20/10  They used to kill me back in the day.  Sometimes those Goats fall off the mountain. Who knew? Push ups were easy, but again I broke them up for no apparent reason. 10/5/5  I could have substituted Handstand Push Ups here, but I'm no there yet. Well, at least for 20 reps. I could have done them, but it would have taken forever. I did PR with 4 reps earlier in the class. Getting there. The Chest to Bar pull ups were a little tough. I gave myself two no reps as I didn't hit the bar with my hairy chest. 

I had fun with this one. My recovery afterward was awful. My cold has moved to my chest and it felt like it was going to blow up after. It burned badly. Took about 20 minutes to recover. 

File that under.... COLDS SUCK!

Fight Through!

Had a tough time at the CraicHouse today. I don't know if it's the cold I am fighting off or I'm just perpetually tired, muscle wise.  When I saw today's WOD I figured I would do well, but I just didn't seem to have it.

3 rounds
Run 200m
5 Hang Power Clean @60% of the weight used for Strength work
10 push ups
15 Toes to bar
12 min cap

 9:18 Rx

Before we did the WOD we did some strength work beforehand. 

Hang Power Clean
Work to a weight for the following:
1rep on every 3rd min for 15min


Figured no problem. I power cleaned 215# the other day like it was nothing. I thought I would be able to do at least 205# for 5 reps in 15 minutes. Nope. I knew right away that today was going to be a struggle. 185# was the weight I used for the 5 reps. Not exactly heavy, but I struggled a few times with it. It's frustrating because I know I can do it. I just have to keep plugging away and work through these periods of mental/physical fatigue.  In the end I will be better because of it. This I know.

The WOD itself wasn't really that bad. For the Hang Power Cleans I used 135#. That was a light weight for me and I was able to work straight through them on each round.  My only issue with the workout was the toes to bar. I'm usually pretty good with them. I had issues with my kip today and I couldn't string together more than 5 in a row. It was really frustrating.  Someday I'll reach that carrot.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm ready for my close up Mr Deville.

It's been a few days since I had a chance to workout. It's good for recovery, but I am still feeling weak and sore. I fear taking too much time off as I might become a lazy sloth again. Plus, whenever I take extra time off I feel like I am starting over and I hate that feeling. When I saw today's WOD I hesitated to go, but knew I had to.

5 rounds
3 High Bar Back Squats
50% max effort Deadhang Pullups
50% max effort Dips
Rest about 2 mins between rounds.

250# plus 7 and 7
I dislike doing squats for one reason. My legs are junk for days afterward. I can already feel them getting tight and sore. I always say every time after I do them that I am going to do some squats every week or so so when I have to do them again in a WOD they won't kill me for days after. Oops! Yea, I need to make a bigger note next time. I then had an issue with figuring out my 50% max effort on deadhang pullups and dips. I have no idea what they could be so I was guessing the whole time on what my 50% effort would be.  I know I have done around 15 deadhangs and I know I have done in the mid 20's on dips before.  I was definitely a bit off as I screwed around on my last set and did 10 pull ups and 10 Dips at which I stopped for no apparent reason. At some point I will find some extra time to figure out both. I was happy with 250# on my back squats. Last time I recorded 245# for a 5 x 5 rep max.  So I was happy I chose the right weight there. It was just heavy enough for the 5 rounds. 

I stayed after class and did yesterday's WOD. 

  Hang Power Snatch 75/45
Box Jump
10 min Cap

6:10 RX

This WOD was more difficult for me than normal. Yes I hate box jumps, but I was too distracted by Johnny Playboy and his photo shoot. I believe lululemon was taking photos for his ambassadorship.

I had to do my WOD in the back corner where the jump ropes used to hang. I couldn't be in any natural lighting that would take away from Johnny Playboy's shoot.  It was tough to be in that corner as there wasn't much room and I was restricted with my movements with being under the pull up rig. Let's see, I banged my head off the pull up bar on a box jump( it killed) and I couldn't fully extend on some of my snatches as I kept hitting the pull up bar going up. It was a tough quick WOD, but I would like to do it again at a later date. I think I should be able to finish within 5 minutes.

It was kind of cool watching the photo shoot. I have done them before in the past when I was involved with acting/modeling.  Jack was there with me and we had a ton of fun with John and the photog.  He seemed really cool. I of course couldn't help myself. I took some photos of my own. 

Oh Baby! Nice work Bro!

Membership has it's privileges.

L Sit, courtesy of Jack.

Looking good.

Now what do you want me to do?
Take my shirt off? I excel at that!