Monday, October 10, 2011

Buck Furpees!

Today's workout consisted of front squats and burpees. 21-15-9 and the front squats as RX(weight) was at 115#. That is a rep scheme so 21 of each to 15 of each and then 9 of each. Two things I am not very fond of personally. Knowing the workout ahead of time I represented with the appropiate shirt, Buck Furpees. Front squats aren't so bad for me. My five rep max is 235# so at 115# that was shit. Usually the only problems I have with them are regarding my shoulders, my legs which suck ass and my nasty ass sweat. Usually the bar rolls off me because I sweat more than Amanda Knox and the threesome she had the night before. I did the WOD in 9:05 with a Ten minute cap. I am comfortable with this. Can do better, but it is what it is.

I did this RX because I knew the weight wouldn't kill me but I knew that the burpees would be shit. Wrist flexibility is still a problem for me regardless how much I stretch beforehand. After my first Burpee after my first round of 21 front squats I knew I was in trouble. Plus the fact that I had to do the WOD behind Jack! He's way too sexy for your love. A) I couldn't concentrate and B) Ummm, Burpees suck!

The coolest thing about today was that I was able to kind of coach/give advice to a few CraicHeads. I might not be the best at these WODS, but I have a pretty good idea about form and the movements. I have an advantage, but also a hindrance. I can lift a ton of weight, but my transitioning sucks. It's getting better but sometimes I feel like I'm rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. What's the point???? Honestly regardless of this competition, if I have advice or I see someone struggling with form or not sure of themselves. I will help them. Feels kind of cool that sometimes people look up to me for advice at times when reality is they are the people the drive and motivate me to become better. Even though my CrossFit experiance isn't that long, it is longer than most and I do have a wealth of information and motivation that I can and should share. We all help eachother in ways we might not ever know and that's the beauty of what we do. Someday I could see myself as a coach.

I stayed late today per usual and continued to work on my Double Unders. I also have made a weekly Goat list. Every week I will work on a few things and get after them. Today's challenge were pistols. I will master these at one point, but Oh Baby they suck ass hardcore. My legs overall are my biggest goat. Recovery time is usually double of people's mostly because my legs hate me. Other goats this week that I plan on playing with are handstands along with handstand push ups again, overhead squats and dips. Until next time CraicHeads and friends. Remember, if you can't Eat it, Drink it! TNB says so...


  1. good read, but the white on black print is difficult on the eyes.

  2. Is it really? I didn't have much of an issue with it. What would you suggest? When I looked at other color schemes it seemed too circus lookin.g to me.

  3. Yeah I'm not to sure my self. I mean its your blog, so you should like the colors lol. Maybe try a slightly larger font and like 1.5 spacing between the lines. Like look at the spacing the Epic does on beastmode. I just keep getting that magic eye effect looking at it. It could just be me....I do stare at a screen all day.
