Monday, October 24, 2011

Strong yet Weak

Today's WOD looked simple enough on paper, but as some of us know that when it comes to CrossFit nothing is as easy as it seems.

Deadlifts @225#
12 minute Cap
6:51 Rx

Not a bad time when compared to the board. I was one of the few that did it Rx and that's mostly because my Deadlifts are definitely a strength for me.  Blasted through the first 21 straight through, broke up the 15 @ 10 and 5 and finished the last 9 straight. My reasoning with breaking up the 15 was to save some strength with the ring dips. I really don't know if it helped. Ring Dips do not like me.

I knew going into this workout that the ring dips would kill me. Bar dips are too easy for me so I couldn't scale down. Plus, I need the work regardless. It's not that I don't have the strength. I know it has more to do with my stabilizer muscles and maybe a little bit with my shoulders. My plan was to break up the first 21 in 10/6/5 which actually worked out. After I was done with that round I immediately knew that I was screwed going into the next two rounds. I have dabbled with kips on my ring dips before, but I am nowhere efficient enough for those yet.  I was setting a good pace before that second round of ring dips.  It became singles pretty quickly. I gave myself a bunch of no reps as I wasn't going down far enough and then locking out at the top on others. My arms were toast afterwards. If I work on these a little bit more I definitely feel like I could get my time down around 5 minutes or under.  Another one to revisit at a later time.

If you have noticed lately I've started to link the movements of the workouts and some of the terminology. I did this because a few of my friends who read this blog don't CrossFit and it was confusing to some of them. Part of the reason I started this blog was to help win a challenge, but it has become more than that. As I've continued this process it has helped me in numerous ways with chronicling my WODS and motivating me to go each day. I also noticed that it has helped or maybe inspired others to work harder or even start to think about changing their lives. If this blog helps one person to get off their ass and make a change then I have done more than I ever expected with this. That would make all of this even more rewarding.

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