Sunday, October 9, 2011

TNB 2.0 Has Arrived and Thank You for Your Donation!

TNB 2.0! Its here and it will be better than the sequel! I started this blog for many reasons. First and foremost it's because I want to win the second version of the No Bread Challenge hosted by the future of CrossFit, CrossFit Craic. I guess technically it will be my third time in a challenge against the dreaded bread. Fuck You Bread! Here's a quick back story.

One night a bunch of CraicHeads went out drinking. A few of us decided to hit up late night at my work. Shhhhhh, don't tell.  Glen, one of the owners of Craic questioned me on my eating habits. I proceeded to tell him the gruesome details of my never ending addiction to anything bread. In the most serious inebriated way possible Glen said to me, "I bet you if you gave up bread you'd lose 20 pounds like nothing." I believe my first response was, "I could take a shit right now and I'd lose 5 pounds." I got the Glen look. Fellow Craicheads know that look I am talking about. I was drinking a couple of days later and had gotten drunken recall and I started to seriously think about what Glen had said. What the hell!?!?! I gave it a shot. So I timed my bread less journey during Lent and guess what happened? I lost 24 pounds. That fucker was right! I could take my shirt off now as I workout! Stop staring at me John Back at the CraicHouse, the CraicHeads were so impressed with my results that shortly thereafter the first No Bread 50 Day Challenge started. I continued my journey and by the end I had lost 41 pounds. Yes, it looks bigger now...

So here we are one week into another 50 day No Bread Challenge. Originally I wasn't going to join. Figured I'd have no chance of winning considering I have lost so much weight already. I started to listen to and read the banter between the members on who was gonna win and why. I just couldn't resist getting involved. I love being involved in any way with my fellow CraicHeads whether it's screaming at them at a competitions, helping with WODS, or harassing the fuck out of them during a no bread challenge. Especially since it all started with a Miller Lite Late Night. Hey, that should be a WOD name!

"Fran" is the benchmark workout for the challenge. I have done this Bitch a couple of times and it sucked each time. The first time I did it was 1/10/11 @85# in 13:07. Pathetic. Next was 6/23/11 @75# in 7:38. I remember this one because I did it the day before @95# but hit my chin hard halfway into my first round of thrusters. I literally thought I broke a couple of teeth. I mentally checked out, which I tend to do every so often. <--That would be a mental goat. This time I did it on 10/03/11 in 9:00 RX. My first time doing it prescribed. This was also the first time that I could do any pull ups with my shoulder after a month and a half. I struggled with them even though I did butterflies the whole time.  Butterfly pull ups were less painful for some reason but I had no strength due to inactivity. I expect and I will put up a monster PR on this Bitch.

The rest of the WODS for the week that I did were weighted chin ups for a 5 rep max. 55# for 5rep max and 64# for 3. Couldn't get the last 2 reps. Hows that for a hurt shoulder though? Bite me tendons. We also did a kettle bell complex which sucked because my legs were still toast from "Fran". I did that @53# for 5rds of 5reps of each of swings, cleans, squats and push presses. Then there was a 15 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 10 wall balls @20#, 10 toes to bar and 10 Box Jumps @24"  I did this one Rx and managed 7 rds + 3reps. I struggle badly with box jumps. Still working on them and trying to find ways to improve. Maybe a picture of Obama on the top of the box would inspire me to jump on it faster. I should try that. I have been staying late and coming in early all week to work on a lot of things that need help. My list of goats is longer than my hit list and that's freaking long. I hit a ton of PR's this week. Here is my list.
  • 25 butterfly pull ups in a row. PR by 12
  • 2 handstand push ups. PR by 2. Always were afraid of these.
  • 40 Double Unders in a row. PR by 27 I think. Lucky if I could string 3 together a week ago.
  • 100 Double Unders for time. last time was a PR @ 6:33 on 9/30/11 did it on 10/6/11 @2:20
Oh Baby! things are coming along and I have a new focus and drive. Look out CraicHeads. TNB is coming for ya! Thank you for your donation.

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