Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mental blocks need to be Broken to become the Unbroken!

I've been pretty sore for the last few days. As always my shoulders are tight, but I keep plugging away regardless and I continue to show improvement everyday. Today's WOD looked simple in theory, but I learned a while ago that WODS that look easy usually kick your ass.

5 Rounds for time
20 Kettle Bell Swings 53#
20 Wall Balls 20#
15 minute time cap
Rx is weight, but also Unbroken

Unbroken. Ugh! Meaning that every 20 reps of the two movements above have to be done unbroken. Can't split them up. Cant's drop it at 17 reps. Well you can, but then it doesn't become an Rx workout unless you start that set all over again. No way am I doing extra reps if I don't have to. It's funny because Sara C and I were discussing before class that sometimes we have to get past that mental hurdle of stopping short of your goal because you just feel the need to. Sometimes I call it being mentally numb. Ok I will shoot for 15 reps and then see if I can finish. Well that doesn't work sometimes because there are times you hit 15 and stop just because. You get to that point and you get mentally numb and stop. You really don't know why, but you just do it. You become numb to your surrounding and tend to feel enclosed in your own box. It's a weird feeling for me. Fuck that! You gotta just keep going. It's only 5 more reps. Sometimes you just can't because you're not physically there or your skill work on a certain movement isn't so great, but at this point for myself I am and I shouldn't really have too many excuses.

My goal was to do it unbroken. I decided right before we started that I was going to use the whole 15 minutes to accomplish this. Now I know I could have gone out there and blasted through the first 2 to 3 rounds, but I know what would have happened to me. I would have gassed myself out and I would not have had the strength to continue the sets unbroken. Plus it would have fucked with me mentally. I've been trying to set a consistent pace lately to help stop my over gassing of WODS. It seems to be working as of late and I'm not too concerned if I am using most of the allotted time. Just get it done.

I felt really good about myself after this WOD. I accomplished my goal of doing it Rx unbroken. It wasn't easy towards the end. The last two sets of wall balls around the 14/15 rep mark my shoulders reminded me how much they hate me sometimes. They were screaming. I was really happy with my wall balls for once though. I felt that I had good depth on all of them and I'm slowly starting to enjoy them. Who knew... The kettle bells weren't too difficult. My hip drive was on point. My only issue towards the end was that my hands were getting sore so it made it difficult for me to hold on.  I have been known to almost drop the bell on my head a few times. Overall I was really happy with my time today. Gonna get after it tomorrow again.

14:13 Rx Unbroken

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