Monday, October 17, 2011

Suck it up and Go!

I have to admit, today I was hurting. I drank a little too much last night and was feeling the repercussions this morning. I looked at the WOD for the day and wasn't exactly thrilled about it. Not because it seemed hard, but because my energy levels weren't there.

"Anniversary WOD"
20 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
10 Body Weight deadlifts
16 Double Unders
9 Pull Ups

This is Johnny Deadlift and his wife Sara's concoction to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Gee, thanks guys! Actually, congratulations to you both for making it to year two.  You only have another 70 plus years left to go. Get after it!

I really didn't have any delusions about crushing this one. The workout wasn't terribly difficult. I just wanted to set a good pace and take my time. I went into it thinking that I just wanted to sweat the night befores fun out of me. I do believe John said he could smell the booze on me. YUMMY! I chose 205# for my deadlift weight and I know I weigh a little less, but my head was pounding and it was too much math to figure out. 205# was easy to set up. For some reason they got real heavy, but the main problem was I thought my head was gonna burst every time I picked it up.  Double Unders.... This was my first WOD I did that I was able to do double unders. I felt like Buddy Lee out there.... Not!  For the pull ups I ended doing kipping instead of butterfly. When I warmed up I could feel some pain in my shoulder when I did a few butterfly's. Didn't want to do any more damage. It's nice to be able to do both and switch between them like John said. Advantage.

I did 7 rounds + 2 reps Rx. I was surprised I did that many. I really took my sweet ass time out there. Might sneak this one in sometime soon for my extra work to see how many rounds I could actually do on a normal, non hungover day.

There are a few positives I can take out of today's WOD. First was that I was able to do DU's in a workout. It's so weird knowing that just a few weeks ago I really couldn't string more than 2 in a row and now I'm looking forward to the next WOD that has them in it. I never thought I would ever say that. Secondly, I dragged my ass into the CraicHouse to do this WOD. Normally if I felt like shit I wouldn't even think about coming in and working out, but I knew if I didn't I would be thinking about it all day. This is a huge mental hurdle I jumped. I'm not going to get any better if I avoid a WOD because I have a hangover. Any work is better then none. So I am giving myself huge kudos for that.

PR'd Double Unders after "Grace" on Saturday @ 56 in a row. 


  1. Nice work! Its amazing what a good pace and good skills will do

  2. Johnny D, it was a snails pace but yet still a pace. It's coming together.
