Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bitch Slapped!

Today's WOD was a benchmark workout named "Helen" It consists of 3rds for time of 4oo meter run, 21 Kettle Bell swings @ 53# and 12 Pull Ups. Pretty simple right? Wrong! Last time I did this workout it was back in February and my time was 12:25 RX. 8 months ago. I should crush that time now right?. My pull ups rock, my KB swings are there, my running has improved, I mentally prepare better, I got my liquid chalk and I have my trusty cool headband from LifeasRX on. What more could I need? How about a fucking clue about running??? 12:43RX <--WTF! I am supposed to be getting better.

I don't know if it was because of all the extra work I have been putting in on my Double Unders that crushed me or a residual effect from the front squats. My shins were in a ton of pain, but enough with the f ing excuses. It's plain and simple. My running sucks! My breathing during the run killed me on my second 400m. Seemed to be sucking in a lot of air in my mouth which in turn made me less able to breath. I felt like a fish trying to breath out of water. At one point I ran by a UPS truck as it turned on and engulfed in a sizable amount of exhaust. I almost puked. Awful... I used to be great at running when I was in 5th grade, but I never ran well over long distances as I got older. The only time I ran fast was when I was running from the Po-Po. Even in high school I was the master of the 7 minute mile. Wait, I'd kill for that now. Anyway I need to figure out a way to get better. I need to find that happy medium where I can run at a comfortable pace and maintain my breathing while also being able to transition better and not be so gassed. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Do steroids help with running?

I didn't really work on anything after class today. I was basically punched in the gut. I had an expectation and came nowhere near what I expected. I was disappointed with myself. It's funny because one minute you can be riding high, but the next day you can get slapped right back down. That's the beauty of CrossFit and that's why I keep coming back. Well, that and lulu lemon pants. Oh Baby!

This was how I felt afterward. People celebrating while I die a slow death!


  1. Thanks for recommending my blog. Im not longer a fan of TNB!

  2. Hey TNB - I think what might be an issue is that you havent paced properly. In the past you had to slow down for your pullups and KBS because you were limited in what you could. Now you blast thru those and dont have the energy that you had before for your run. The run is the longest part of that WOD. Pacing could be the issue.

  3. Johnny D I couldnt find it. I got it now. Sorry.
