Saturday, February 18, 2012


Wednesday night we had our second week of basketball. What a great time this is. Running up and down the court for 2 hours is such a great way to get extra work in. It is definitely helping me in regard to my pathetic limitations in regard to cardio. I actually feel really good out there. It's funny though, right after we finish my legs go numb and I walk like an 80 year old man.

I actually played extremely well. It's not the biggest court in the world and last week we played 5 on 5 and it felt like a sardine can. This week we had to play 4 on 4 and there was so much room. The game flowed better and people could get open a bit easier. I shot the ball well and really look forward to this again next week.

As far as WODS, the next day my legs were toast and the WOD had running in it and there was no way I could even move effectively to get anything out of it. REST DAY.

Then on Friday morning I woke up with a pain in my right shoulder, sort of a hitch so I thought it wise to rest again. I am working this weekend which means I'll get my functional workouts in by moving around hundreds of cases of beer, wine and liquor anyway. Hope to be back fresh for open WOD 1 next week.

After hours B-Ball activities were a blast as well.  I still don't think a certain someone can stand on their head...   :)

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