Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday Exhaustion

I was completely gassed and fried from this weeks workouts and events, (basketball) that I wasn't even sure I would go to the Friday's class. Somehow I managed to drag my ass in there regardless. I was extremely glad that I went on Friday. I had such a great WOD.


8 minutes to complete

1000 meter Row
and in the remaining minutes
AMRAP Clean & Jerks @ 135#

30 reps!

What? Holy Shit! I couldn't believe it. I basically did "Grace" for the WOD. "Grace" is a WOD, 30 Clean & Jerks for time. My PR was 4:10 in the past.  Pete was there when I showed up and he said I looked like I needed a cane. Ha Ha I was hobbling. Somehow though when that time started I was able to focus.

My plan on the row was to get it done in under 4 minutes so I could have 4 minutes for the C&J's. I really took my time with it so I wouldn't gas myself out and I actually stepped off the rower @ 3:40. Not too shabby and a bit faster than I thought. Unfortunately in my head though I had that 4 minute mark FLASHING and I waited to that time to start my C&J's.  Idiot! I actually think I started the movement around 4:05. That was the last number I saw before 7:59 when I repped my 30th rep! Woo-Hoo.  

Rico had put up 26 reps and J-Bone 25 reps. My goal was to come close to them, but holy shit. I am not sure of my exact start time, but if you do some quick math off my "I Think" numbers my "Grace" time would have been 3:54. 16 seconds faster than my best time. 

I was talking with Jack later, he unfortunately beat my score by one rep.  :(  and we are both super psyched to do "Grace" again. I can only imagine what my time would be if I didn't have to row a 1000 meters before hand. Can't wait now!

So glad I came in.

"To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping."

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