Monday, January 2, 2012

BackRoom WOD Part 2

75 Power Snatches @75#

6:48 Rx

I had a pretty busy day planned today and I knew I was going to have trouble getting into the CraicHouse. I tried to make arrangements with John to see if I could come in at another time. Unfortunately we couldn't make any times work. Ballbag! I really wanted to hit this one. Then a miracle happened.  John and Glen swung by after they were done at Craic with 2 plates and clips for the bar Glen left behind from a few days ago.  It was 7:31 at night and it was on like Donkey Kong!

Malcomb warm up. One beer and go time! Who needs to get loose?

I didn't have any clothes with me so I did it in my jeans which felt a bit awkward. Of course halfway through I pulled a Teehan. If there is one thing in CrossFit that I am getting better at at a furious rate is the Teehan Pull Off! 

I gotta tell ya, this one was tougher than I thought. First off it was later at night as opposed to my peak time of afternoon. Secondly, I had zero room for movement. Well, I had just enough room for the range of motion I needed. There was no moving around or dropping of the bar uncontrollably. Inches either way and I would be banging into something. My space was limited, which could work for me or not.

 I have a habit of kneeling down and resting in front of the bar. It usually means I am mentally dogging it as opposed to resting. Glen always calls me out on this and did so before we even started. Everyone was on a tight schedule and Glen clearly stated that if I knelt down at anytime he is just walking out. He is also keeping the time and had to leave within 9 minutes of the workout. Lets just say that there was no room for fucking around.

I banged out the first 25 right off the bat. Glen kept saying you're not stopping till you hit 25. Sometimes when I have number in my head I cut myself short of potentially maybe doing more than that target goal. Did that make sense? I actually felt like I should have gone to failure and then started again. Who the hell knows? I suck at most of these things so who am I to game play on movements I am not efficient enough to wipe my ass with.

Regardless, I gave 100% in that moment and I cannot thank Glen and John enough their friendship and their desire to make me better. Friendships aside, their devotion pays more dividends then they probably will ever know.  You're a fool not to become a part of this family! 

Here are some videos of my rather sloooow "Randy"  It was kind of funny. John sent me the vids and I responded back with mucho appreciato <--- TNBlish  It was funny. I said to John, "Well even though I suck, at least I look good."  He responded with a new TNB motto...

"Look better while sucking!"  Ha Ha  My own self deprecating humor got the best of me here.

B.C. is now B.T. <-- cryptic! I was looking good till I realized I was working out!

Can't we do deadlifts again?

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