Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Beginnnings

Things have been tough for me the last few months and I will admit that I checked out more often than not. In many facets of my life I found it hard to stay motivated. Well guess what? The pity party is over with. It's time to move on and "Get Living."

I recently came back from The 2012 CrossFit Games. Holy Shnickes! It was freaking insane. Between the WODS, the competitors, tent city, the fans, athletes and CrossFit celebrities, I couldn't get enough of it. I would like to talk more about this at a later time, but just listen to me for once. Get your ass there. It's an experience you will not regret. Unless you're a globo gym rat who doesn't like to stare at insanely fit women and men. These individuals give it a 110% every time they are out there. It's a sport that hasn't even reached it's pinnacle yet. It's only going to get bigger. Be a part of it or get the fuck out of the way!

What I was more shocked with than anything was the number of people who knew me or of me out there. More shockingly were the amount of athletes, the names of CrossFit who knew of me. It was fantastic meeting them and it was great to make even more contacts and establish relationships even further.

I love CrossFit and if there was a regret I had over the last few months was that I let it get away from me. No more. As someone said out there. I thought you were a bigger national presence then you are. You're wasting an opportunity.

I am in the early process of trying to figure things out. I'm focusing on myself and my body. Going to get back in shape and crush these WODS again. Learn and absorb as much knowledge as I can and hopefully by this time next year I will be helping people with their journey.  I love CrossFit and it's been good to me the past year. I just lost sight of it. I know my love for it can help someone else.  I've reached people already. Lets make it bigger!

Stay tuned...

I know this will get your attention!