Friday, November 4, 2011

Fight Through!

Had a tough time at the CraicHouse today. I don't know if it's the cold I am fighting off or I'm just perpetually tired, muscle wise.  When I saw today's WOD I figured I would do well, but I just didn't seem to have it.

3 rounds
Run 200m
5 Hang Power Clean @60% of the weight used for Strength work
10 push ups
15 Toes to bar
12 min cap

 9:18 Rx

Before we did the WOD we did some strength work beforehand. 

Hang Power Clean
Work to a weight for the following:
1rep on every 3rd min for 15min


Figured no problem. I power cleaned 215# the other day like it was nothing. I thought I would be able to do at least 205# for 5 reps in 15 minutes. Nope. I knew right away that today was going to be a struggle. 185# was the weight I used for the 5 reps. Not exactly heavy, but I struggled a few times with it. It's frustrating because I know I can do it. I just have to keep plugging away and work through these periods of mental/physical fatigue.  In the end I will be better because of it. This I know.

The WOD itself wasn't really that bad. For the Hang Power Cleans I used 135#. That was a light weight for me and I was able to work straight through them on each round.  My only issue with the workout was the toes to bar. I'm usually pretty good with them. I had issues with my kip today and I couldn't string together more than 5 in a row. It was really frustrating.  Someday I'll reach that carrot.

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