Been having a rough go of it lately. Everyday routines have been tough. John got on me earlier this week to get my ass in gear. To lose myself for 1 hour a day. He's right and so I did. It helps for a bit. Just have to keep moving forward.
Today's post is dedicated to Glen though. Glen has been busting my balls to get my blog back on track. So here I stand @ the CraicHouse typing this post while Glen devours another dozen eggs. Soon we'll be crushing back room beers again my friend! Until then I'll keep up the pace up for you.
50 Lateral Bar Hops
PVC Overhead Squats
50 Lateral Bar Hops
Rx weight 185#
6:06 Rx
I really wanted to come under 5 minutes, but those last 50 jumps were brutal. My legs were literally jello. The Deads went about how I planned. I breezed through them with ease and the pvc overheads were fine. Easy with no weight. Now I know how Johnny Deadlift feels when he overheads 135# for reps. All day baby!
Been a relatively good three days @ the CraicHouse Yesterdays WOD was a 5 rep max Thruster. I ended up doing 176#. Sic. I really wasn't sure where I would end up considering I loathe Thrusters and along with my 1 rep max being @ 195# I figured I was in for a long hour. Now I am excited to see where my 1 rep max might be at.
The third WOD I hit this week was 6 min AMRAP 10 KB Swings @ 70# and 10 Push Ups. Brutal. My total was 10 full rounds plus 1 rep. My hands and arms were toast. I was really happy that I did all the swings unbroken. Felt pretty good.
Until next time, please remember if you drop a piece of meat on the ground I will still eat it!
I had a pretty busy day planned today and I knew I was going to have trouble getting into the CraicHouse. I tried to make arrangements with John to see if I could come in at another time. Unfortunately we couldn't make any times work. Ballbag! I really wanted to hit this one. Then a miracle happened. John and Glen swung by after they were done at Craic with 2 plates and clips for the bar Glen left behind from a few days ago. It was 7:31 at night and it was on like Donkey Kong!
Malcomb warm up. One beer and go time! Who needs to get loose?
I didn't have any clothes with me so I did it in my jeans which felt a bit awkward. Of course halfway through I pulled a Teehan. If there is one thing in CrossFit that I am getting better at at a furious rate is the Teehan Pull Off!
I gotta tell ya, this one was tougher than I thought. First off it was later at night as opposed to my peak time of afternoon. Secondly, I had zero room for movement. Well, I had just enough room for the range of motion I needed. There was no moving around or dropping of the bar uncontrollably. Inches either way and I would be banging into something. My space was limited, which could work for me or not.
I have a habit of kneeling down and resting in front of the bar. It usually means I am mentally dogging it as opposed to resting. Glen always calls me out on this and did so before we even started. Everyone was on a tight schedule and Glen clearly stated that if I knelt down at anytime he is just walking out. He is also keeping the time and had to leave within 9 minutes of the workout. Lets just say that there was no room for fucking around.
I banged out the first 25 right off the bat. Glen kept saying you're not stopping till you hit 25. Sometimes when I have number in my head I cut myself short of potentially maybe doing more than that target goal. Did that make sense? I actually felt like I should have gone to failure and then started again. Who the hell knows? I suck at most of these things so who am I to game play on movements I am not efficient enough to wipe my ass with.
Regardless, I gave 100% in that moment and I cannot thank Glen and John enough their friendship and their desire to make me better. Friendships aside, their devotion pays more dividends then they probably will ever know. You're a fool not to become a part of this family!
Here are some videos of my rather sloooow "Randy" It was kind of funny. John sent me the vids and I responded back with mucho appreciato <--- TNBlish It was funny. I said to John, "Well even though I suck, at least I look good." He responded with a new TNB motto...
"Look better while sucking!" Ha Ha My own self deprecating humor got the best of me here.
B.C. is now B.T. <-- cryptic! I was looking good till I realized I was working out!